







My story in a nutshell

Hi I'm Kelly and I'm on a path to live the most authentic version of my life. In re-orienting my path, I recently uprooted my life from Buffalo, NY, left my comfortable job and comfort zone to fulfill a need within me that's been brewing for 7 years.

After a tough year, heartbreak, and the sudden loss of my dog Barkley, I realized the time for me to go out and do traveling, was quickly near. So I gave my 30 day notice to my landlords, quit my job, sold almost all of my belongings, and took with me only what I could fit in my little car.

Technically, I’m a nomad now, living out of my suitcase, and helping people with a range of various and exciting initiatives all over the world via a program called Workaway. Within this blog you’ll be able to read and see photographs of my experiences with these initiatives all over the world. 

This is also a count of what it looks like to follow your heart, and take a chance. Fun facts: I love sailing, hiking, listening to audiobooks, yoga, and meeting new people. I’m also 2+ years sober which is always fun. If it’s one thing I’ve learned the last year it’s that we cause suffering when we trying to hold onto the past with control. I have found that remaining flexible, open, and accepting of the moments before you will bring your peace. Life gave me lemons and this here is my lemonade.

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